Saturday 8 February 2014

Mitsubishi Ki-2

A Type 93 Twin-engine Light Bomber or Mitsubishi K-2 special today.
The wikipedia entry HERE is not bad, just need a few corrections. 
First of all the engines of Ki-2 Model 1 were Nakajima Jupiter, nine-cylinder air-cooled radials of 450-570hp; not "Kotobuki".
Production figures are a bit confusing. There were 113 Ki-2-I produced and 61 Ki-2-II; total 174.
Actually there were various sub-types unfortunately not properly explained and documented. Our friend Zygmunt  Szeremeta has offered to help illustrate some of the major ones. 
First of all the basic Mitsubishi Ki-2-I with three crew members; pilot, dorsal gunner and nose gunner/bombardier.

The next version of the Model 1 features one more crew member behind the pilot. I believe this was a reconnaissance and trainer version as the photos below testify.

Model 1s of the "Rikugun Koku Shikan Gakko" (Army Officers' School).

Note the mount of the twin 7.7mm Army Type 89 flexible machine gun (special).

Note the Nedinsco Type 25cm Aerial Camera (check our older post, here, for more).

Some Model 1s had a turret installed in the dorsal position. Artwork below by Kaiho Hideichi

The major external characteristic of the Mitsubishi Ki-2-II was the retractable landing gear. Note also the enclosed cockpit and occasional enclosed turret for the forward gunner.


Anonymous said...

Greetings, George. Thank you for your illustrations of the Ki-2.

I believe there were fewer than 30 planes with the ball turret in the nose, and that version represents the last variant.

Number 16 Rentai took the Ki-2 into northern China and flew some combat missions with it there. See also Model Art 533 and occasional mentions in the Hata/Izawa/Shores book about army pilots and units.

Tom Hall

Alcides said...

You make my day with this post George. Thanks a lot. I love the plane but I've to say I'm confused about the version.

This one is a great help.

Thanks again

Arawasi said...

Thank you very much Tom for the information and the feedback.
Alcides, glad you liked the posting. More coming up!