Sunday, 2 March 2014

Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka by Andrei Kazinets

About the Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka model.
The kit is from Fine Molds in 1/48. Very pleasant model to work. I worked on the cockpit interior a little. I made a seat for the pilot, seat belts, controls, detailed the control stick and a power set. I used available materials: plastic, wire, metal scraps. For the fuselage and the wings, I opened air intakes, rescribed and added panels made of plastic.
My main references were vintage and museum photos.
The interior is painted - Vallejo 71010 (interior green)
Wings, tail - Mr.Hobby H314 (FS35622)
Fuselage - Vallejo 70821 (FS33303)
The model demanded a little time.  I think some weeks... 
Worked on it for fun spending time in-between other projects.
Unfortunately I didn't photograph process of work. Only the end result))).
Andrei Kazinets - Mogilev, Belarus

Thank you very much Andrei for sharing photos of your brilliant Ohka model. You did a really very good job!


GeeBee said...

Excellent ! Congrats !

Anonymous said...

Finally someone who has the separate colors of wings and fuselage correct, that alone is very refreshing.

Jacob Terlouw said...

Recently I bought a Hasegawa 1/72 Ohka and I was looking good recommendation for painting this kit.
Andreis' job is the very best there is. What a beauty.
