Friday 14 September 2018

Nakajima E8N1 "Dave" By Michael Furry WIP#4

Float Rigging Tests
One of the most challenging parts of building this kit is marking and drilling the locator holes for the rigging wires. Arawasi International Extra #2 provides 1/48 scale drawings to make this task a bit easier.  I marked off the locations on the main and wingtip floats as well as the float support struts and then drilled pilot holes with a #80 drill bit. After drilling the pilot holes I enlarged them slightly using a #78 bit. The holes are slightly larger than my rigging wires to accommodate for paint build up. 
The photos below show test fitting of wire and plastic rod that are the same diameter as my rigging wire. Everything has worked out as planned and the floats can be built as separate assemblies, painted, rigged, and attached to the model during final assembly.
- Michael Furry -



D. Chouinard said...

Great technique! What type of wire are you using?

Michael Furry said...

I am using steel wire for both the wings and floats, .010 for wings and .015 for the floats. The pre-drilled holes allow for easy attachment with white glue during final assembly.
