Saturday 19 July 2014

Kyushu K9W1 "Momiji" by AndreyTemnyy

Our friend Andrey Temnyy from Kazakhstan shared with us some amazing photos of his excellent Kyushu K9W1 "Momiji" in 1/72. Enjoy and visit his blog ( for more!


jacob Terlouw said...

Andrey did a hell of a job on such a small kit. Hats off!
I do have one but haven't built it yet. Guess I can learn something of this man ;-).


Unknown said...

"jacob Terlouw said ...
"Andrey did a hell of a job on such a small kit. Hats off!"

Thank you!

"I do have one but haven't built it yet. Guess I can learn something of this man ;-)."

Not understand what you wanted to say, I'm not very good with English.

Jacob Terlouw said...

My English is is not that good either.
I meant- it's a very small plane and you have done very good job on the wiring of the wings! I still have to find out how to do it without ruining the plane.


Unknown said...

email me at box, I'll tell you all the details.