Thursday 31 December 2015


2016, the year of the monkey.
The past year was even more productive. After a long hiatus, the new issue #12 of our magazine came out in June and the second "best-off", Extra #2, in November. We wanted to complete the new issue #13 by the end of this year but we could not have done so without compromising on the quality. So, better late and good than fast and mediocre. Our new deadline is before the Shizuoka show so stay tuned for a really good and surprising issue!
We were quite busy with this blog too with 165 posts (!!!) stabilizing the monthly number to 14. We hope you found many to your liking. Recently we are presenting short news clips from the NHK archive and we will continue to do so in the next year together with the usual assortment of subjects nobody else touches, like the gliders and the civilian aviation of Japan. No Pearl Harbor subjects here guys! We got positive feedback on the non-aviation related post so we will try to add one such post every month. 
Unfortunately this year was marked by the passing of our dearest friend and Arawasi member Mike Goodwin in March. We miss Mike a lot...
As always we would like to take this chance and say a HUUUUGE "thank you" to our good friends: James Boyd from down-under
Devlin Chouinard from Texas, USA
and Zygmunt Szeremeta from Poland.     
We wouldn't like to exclude ourselves so here's a photo I took on our train:
As always we would also like to thank everybody who left a comment:
Dave-obsessed David Brizzard, Harold K, Jan Kaňov, Peter Dasso, Fluffy, Pat D, Wind_Swords, Mat Kessler, Calin Ungureanu, The Kit Slayer, Jean Barby, fugaku, Hayabusa J-AIR, M Driskill, Ryan B., Rui Lérias, Luciano Gianfilippi, Lish, zmet3kk, gwetoyking, Charlee, Carlo, Rene de Koning, Bob Alford, GeeBee, Håkan, George Bryant, Dan Salamone, Derek Cooper, Alcides, Manuel Gil, Ruy Vieira, Nemisis Goosehabit, fe, emef, andorka555, John Godwin, rlucas, David Stanley, and Iskender.
We could not forget all those who contributed to our blog: Panagiotis Koubetsos-Greece for his amazing unrecognized models, Master Modeller Saitoh Hisao, Richard Holak, golden Alexandros Angelopoulos, Koh Tse Hsien, Andrey Temnyy, István Tekler, Jean Barby, Verena Wirnig, Nicolas Renoult, Mark Jahsan.
Thank you all. Hope to see more of your Japanese aircraft models this year too.
And finally a very warm and special grazie mille to Danilo Renzulli for his hospitality and friendship.
All the best for the new year to everybody. Let's hope 2016 is more productive, enjoyable and funny than 2015. And enjoy modelling!


Honza78 said...

Everyone here on the blog Arawasi I wish only good up in 2016.

Danilo said...

Dearest Kiri & George,
grazie mille to you for your words. I warmly wish you and all the readers of this friendly and interesting blog a very best 2016.
I strongly hope the next year can really bring the entire world -with no exceptions at all- peace, wealth and prosperity.
Above all I hope the next years can bring more wisdom and humanity upon all our rulers - we only want to live with dignity and in peace with everybody! I know this is a near-dream, but I want to hope...
Felice Anno Nuovo


George Bryant said...

I look forward to 2016. The NHK clips are so good, can't wait for the next one. The NHK clips show me that all aviators are alike regardless of country.

Panagiotis said...

All the best from homeland Greece,Giorgo-san!

Harold K said...

Thanks, George, for the New Year wishes; the same to you, Kiri and all who make Arawasi what it is. And to my fellow blog-readers, wherever on the globe they may be.

D. Chouinard said...

Happy New Year to all! Wishing everyone all the best and a big "thank you" to George, Kiri, and all who contribute to Arawasi and this blog.

May this coming year bring happiness, health, and prosperity!


Fluffy said...

Happy New Year!

George, keep the great build ideas and histories coming! But, my fave postings are the ones with the translations of what the people that were there remember. :)


ReneDK said...

This is one of my favorite blogs, you and the contributors do a great job on the Arawasi magazines - which I read from cover to cover - and the material you present is always of interest. I look forward to what you - and others - present in the year ahead.

James said...

And a happy New Year to Arawasi from down under.

Unknown said...

Just got round reading this post...oops!
All the best to you and family George, the pleasure was ours, hope to post more models in the future.
Oh! And finally visit Japan this year!

