Thursday 22 May 2014

Shizuoka 2014 #6

Matsudo Meisai-kai, from Matsudo

Zenkoku Solid Model Rengo-kai, with members of solid-model clubs from all over Japan. Note the amazing wooden "Gekko" by Nishino-san in 1/24 (?).

Okinawa Modelers, from Okinawa

Asahi Club, from Aichi
Excellent dioramas by "Tatamiya M", especialy the Nichimo "Jake" in 1/48.

Plastic Model Club Kugisho, from Hamamatsu

Toyama Thunder Birds, from Toyama
Very interesting 9-shi Single-Seat Fighter in Finish colours and skis.

Tirnanog, from Chiba & Osaka
All models in this section were built by Kato Hiroshi-san and they were overall the most interesting collection in the show. Note the resin "Reppu-kai" in 1/48 by Z-Models, the extra super cool "Raiden" prototype, the weird looking Zero with gul-wings and the superb "full scratch" 7-shi Carrier Fighter, featured in the magazine "Model Graphics".

Blog! Modelers, with on-line members
The Ki-9 was one of my most favorite models of the show.

Totsuku-kai, from East Japan

1 comment:

Ryan B. said...

Fascinating. Lots of interesting aircraft and odd variations and tangents.